T: +48 58 664 3210
T: +48 58 623 6145
F: +48 58 664 3737
E: (general):
E: (accounting):
E: (e-invoices):
E: (support):

Płatności/ For queries regarding payments:
T: +48 58 623 6145

Obsługę księgową prowadzi:
DwaPlusJeden Sp. z o.o.
T: +48 503 701 906


Meeting and corespondence address:
DOE Sp. z o.o.
Al. Parku Krajobrazowego 84
84-207 Łężyce, Poland

Registration and invoicing address:
DOE Sp. z o.o.
ul. Sibeliusa 3
81-015 Gdynia, Poland

NIP: PL9580651261
KRS: 0000042898
REGON: 191217085
EORI: PL958065126100000
D-U-N-S®: 422223859


Bank accounts (EUR):
IBAN: PL29 1050 1764 1000 0090 3119 9277, SWIFT: INGBPLPW

Bank accounts (PLN):
IBAN: PL51 1050 1764 1000 0090 3119 9269

Bank accounts (USD):
IBAN: PL84 1050 1764 1000 0090 8049 9701, SWIFT: INGBPLPW

ING Bank Śląski S.A.
ul. Sokolska 34, 40-086 Katowice

Please note that PDF is digitally signed by Adam Kasprzak. Please check the signature after download and if you have any doubt about authenticity of bank information, please contact us immediately!


Learn more about the history of our company

  • 2023


    DOE has finished expanding its office

    It was necessary to expand project office due to a bigger demand for more complex projects, especially offshore projects. DOE has build a new, bigger conference room that can host up to 15 people and more office space.

  • 2020


    DOE is doubling its production site

    5 years after moving into the new place, owners has decided that in order to expand and meet rising demand for DOE products it is crucial to have a bigger production place and tank testing instruments.

  • 2019

    DOE Sp. z o.o. has obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification and accreditation

    We are proud to announce that after many years of operation based on its strict internal rules, in 2019, DOE Sp. z o.o. has obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification and accreditation.

    Along with the certification, DOE has made a step further to digitise almost all the processes in the company with implementation of DPM (DOE Project Management) system, which allows ever member of the team to follow every project’s progress, generate documents automatically and share documents via platform.

  • 2015


    DOE is moving to the new office

    After 5 years of being independent, DOE finally is able to move to a bigger place with warehouse and storage place. DOE is employing new sales managers in order to boost the sales and serve customers quicker and in a more efficient way. You can find more information about the new office below:

    Watch a movie about the history of our investment

  • 2010


    Polish owners decide to buy out the Norwegian shares.

    Polish owners decide to buy out the Norwegian part of the company and the company from now on is 100% polish capital, private own, independent company. DOE name and the strong idea is introduced – production of durable, simple marine equipment for marine industry along with supplying Polish and European spare parts. The products are made in Poland, using european components.

  • 2001



    Stromme was bought by Eitzen Group. For the second time we have to change our name – this time we are known as EITZEN Ship Supply (Poland) Sp. z o.o. The idea of the group is to supply ships with all kind of spares and tools. We change our location into private own building.

  • 1999


    ITS Baltic transformes into STROMME

    Company ITS Baltic becomes a part of the Stromme Group of companies. Polish part of the company also becomes part of STROMME. We have the first contact with complete equipment and european spare parts.

  • 1996


    Leonard Kasprzak bounds with Norwegians.

    In 1996 Leonard Kasprzak decides to start a join-venture with Norwegians with which he has been working for 4 years. Now, the company employs sales managers and accountants. The company is growing fast and changes a location from a private apartment to a rented office nearby.

  • 1992


    Leonard Kasprzak starts a private company.

    In 1992, after 8 years, Leonard Kasprzak decides to stop sailing and starts a company ITA (International Trade Agency) which is trading Polish spare parts for ships which are build in Poland. He is working closely with Norwegian company ITS Baltic – as an agent for Eastern Europe. There is a lot of problems due to the newly formed government in Poland – simple things such as telephone number are very hard to get. These are tough time for Polish people to make business.

Welcome to our new office!

In 2015 we have made a milestone. We have invested our time and money to build a proper office with warehouse and a storage place for spare parts.
The office is located in Łężyce, 30 minutes drive from Gdańsk.

Bigger office = Bigger opportunities

You are warmly invited to visit us, we have a demo room with working equipment
and a good coffee too!

Environmental responsibility

We are local patriots!